Muslims4peace strongly condemn the attack that took place Saturday at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In this heinous attack, a number of Jewish worshipers who were in the midst of a Sabbath service were violently gunned down and scores were injured. This unfathomable crime should be condemned by all people of faith and conscience. United, we send a strong message that no such crime will be tolerated by any individual. Synagogues, churches, mosques, and all places of worship are sacred grounds and their sanctities should be preserved. As we mourn this tragedy, we also strongly condemn the abhorrent attack on innocent lives.
We call on our law enforcement agencies to hold the perpetrators accountable and we long for swift justice against the crimes committed. We offer our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims as our thoughts and prayers are with them during this trying time. We pray to God Almighty that the injured are granted a speedy recovery and patience is bestowed upon the victims’ families.
We invite all mosques, churches, synagogues and other faith-based organizations to join us and work together for a world free of hate and bigotry by supporting the following pledge to stand up for the other: While interacting with members of my own faith, or ethnic, or gender community, or with others, if I hear hateful comments from anyone about members of any other community, I pledge to stand up for the other and speak up to challenge bigotry in any form.
Muslims4peace extends its heartfelt condolences and sympathies to the families whose loved ones were mercilessly killed or injured. We also extend our thoughts and prayers to the Tree of Life congregation, and to all Jewish communities of North America. Such acts of violence in a place of worship, where one turns to for peace, comfort and spirituality, is intolerable and against the principles of Islam.
As Imam Ali states- all peoples are either, your brothers in faith or equal in humanity- Muslims4Peace stands in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of the Jewish faith. Together we can, and must eradicate hate in all its forms that gives rise to violence.
Umar A. Sheikh
Muslims for Peace