On behalf of a broad multi-faith coalition of more than 120 organizations throughout New Jersey, we are deeply saddened at the cold blooded assassination yesterday of Imam Maulana Akonjee of the Al Furqan Jame Masjid in Queens New York and his assistant Mr. Thara Uddin who were wearing the traditional Muslim garments.
In this time of loss, we join our Muslim brothers and sisters in offering the traditional Islamic prayer: Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Raji’un (2:156) “We surely belong to God and to Him we shall return” and remember the biblical assurance that “all people belong to God” whose presence is with those “who lie down with the dead.” (Psalms 24:1 and 139:7)
We offer our heartfelt condolences to members of the Al Furqan Jame Masjid as well as to the immediate families of the victims. We pray that God give them strength and patience to bear this tragic loss. We invite all mosques, churches, synagogues and other faith-based organizations to join us in this statement of solidarity with the AlFuqan Jame Masjid and to remember the victims in their prayer services. Messages of condolence may be sent to Al Furaqan Jame Masjid, 76-18 Glenmore Ave #20, Queens, NY 11417
We urge the NYPD to pursue the perpetrator of this heinous crime and investigate every motive, including hate, and bring the murderer to justice.
The list of organizations supporting this statement will be provided upon request. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the following contacts.
Prof Raza Mir, Muslims for Peace, 732-754-9759, Info@muslims4peace.org
Dr. M. Ali Chaudry, Islamic Society of Basking Ridge 908-672-1798 machaudry@gmail.com
Asghar (Alex) Kharazi, Masjid-e-Ali 732-735-3371 alexk08873@yahoo.com
Jimmy Small (Salaam), Muslim League of Voters of NJ 973-580-4798 servoa@comcast.net
James Sues, CAIR-NJ 908.267.3119 jsues@cair.com
Mahmood Alam, American Muslims for Democracy 732-874-3705 mahmood786@gmail.com
Salaheddin Mustafa, Islamic Center of Passaic County 973-818-0313 Mustodean2002@yahoo.com
Sameerah Diaab, Muslim League of Voters of NJ 908-531-9141 Sameerahdiaab@yahoo.com
Prof Raza Mir, Muslims for Peace, 732-754-9759, Info@muslims4peace.org
Reb Deb Smith, Rabbi Or Ha Lev Jewish Renewal Community, (908) 303-8374 hineni77@gmail.com
Rabbi Eli Garfinkel, Temple Beth El, 908-616-6995 rabbigarfinkel1@me.com
Alan Respler. Jewish Catholic Muslim Dialogue of So. NJ, 856-424-4944, JCMFacilitator@gmail.com
Henry Maurer, Catholic Jewish Commission, 856-667-7285, henry.maurer9@gmail.com
David Snyder, Jewish Community Relations Council of So. NJ, 856-673-2524, dsnyder@jfedsnj.org
Sharon Culley, Somerset Presbyterian Church, revsec@aol.com
David Jahnke, Fanwood Presbyterian Church, dpjahnke@gmail.com, (908) 889-8891
Patricia Sandrow, Jewish Catholic Muslim Dialogue of So. NJ, 856-424-6059, psandrow@earthlink.net
Fr. Joseph Wallace, Catholic Jewish Commission, 609-522-2709, jdaw127@comcast.net
Interfaith Advocates & Others
Joe Ritacco, jritacco@comcast.net, 732-739-5282, the Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought, Monmouth County
Farhat Biviji, Jewish Catholic Muslim Dialogue of So. NJ, 856-428-5867, bvg786110@comcast.net
Zahida Rahman, Jewish Catholic Muslim Dialogue of So. NJ, 856-784-2738, zahidasrachman@gmail.com