More than 800,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean and Aegean so far this year, fleeing war, persecution and violence in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Eritrea, and other countries. For many, the choice to embark on such dangerous journeys seems the only way to give their children a chance of survival and safety.
Muslims4peace and are holding a coat and blanket drive to support Syrian refugees living in tent cities in Europe.
This effort is aimed at helping the Syrian refugees who survived a catastrophic civil war in their country. During this war, half of the country — about 4 million people — escaped, and more than 2 million people are now struggling to survive in tent cities in France.
According to the drive’s Director Shabbir Syed, “If you visit those tent cities, when you ask them what can you do to help, they will respond to you with a simple request: ‘We are getting cold. Could you send some blankets?’ So, we are asking, ‘Would you not give them a blanket or at least a coat?’
As winter approaches, more support is needed urgently to continue saving lives and protecting families forced to flee their homes.
More than 2 million Syrians have fled their country, according to the United Nations refugee agency. With nowhere to go and often with just the clothes on their backs. We launched a campaign for Syrian people who are living refugee camps in Turkey and Europe. Winter is coming and those people need your help.
Ways to contribute:
1. Donate Blankets
2. Donate Money
lease bring clean and folded blankets to a donations site or you may donate money to purchase blanket.
Thank you for your help and cooperation
For more information:
Media Contacts:
Shabbir Syed
Ali Abbas
Director , Clothing Drive
Muslims for Peace, Inc.
P.O. Box 6262, Monroe, NJ 08831