By Jaffer Ali
A man from a desert land became a beacon of the worlds
He is a chosen one like Abraham, Moses, Jesus and others
He is not an ordinary one; he is above all needs of the world
Read, learn and study and have beautiful mind unfurled
No one can handle sacred message of God for His world
God chooses His people to carry message for the universe
Unclean doesn’t fit as sweet water doesn’t mix with others
Jesus was born without father carrying Mary’s holy blood
Muhammad’s lineage is high and clean without any mistrust
Muhammad a Voice of Justice and Mercy was overheard
Newly born girls were buried and voices were unheard
Where intolerance was high and rivalry was a standard
Where idols were worshiped in Abraham’s place of sacred
He took the message of peace to those lived in Arab world
People put thorn on his way and stones were hurled
Clan’s chiefs were jealous of and wanted him to be murdered
Tried all means no success alas ambitions were crushed
They changed their clothing to carry their purpose unhurt
They were waiting to see the situation get in distressed
A man of mercy of universe accepted them with no grudge
God becomes chandelier for His candle to spread light unhurt
He gave message of peace which spread across the world
God revives His religion with sacrifices of His believers
Prophets of peace Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad
Sacrificed lives for justice with least attachment for this world
Freedom is priceless they stood up against unjust world
Temporary life is not as important as they taught the world